Well hello all my bloggy buddies, I surely have missed you all. I have actually been moonlighting over at obesityhelp.com at the lightweights board and I love it, I love the quick response. Anyway day 11 wow, I feel good just a pinch sore on my left side where my drain was. I am down a total of 25.4 lbs as you can tell by my weight ticker. I am still on clear liquids though not sure why but I am per my DR. I finally got some sleep last night ...oh...and I got a hair cut. Just to get the old dry damaged scragglies out of the way. I have been walking and I plan on doing some weights as soon as my Dr. OKs it(HOPEFULLY NEXT WEEK) I think I will also make an appointment with the nutritionist to make sure I know what I need. Something in writing to look at as I move along in this process. I have had a lot mood swings lately(hormones I guess)so I'm trying to deal with those. I still tire easily and I really hate that it stinks. Oh I also ordered 2 good cookbooks for Gastric Bypass people of amazon one was called "Cooking after Gastric Bypass WLS" And I forget the other on. My beautiful, kind and as always supportive mother bought me a really cool food processor (I CANT WAIT TO USE IT). So that is the happs with me. Hope all is well with you and will be bloggin soon!!!
I got a few of those cookbooks too - and loved them! :-) Hang in there... this will all be a distant memory very soon!